A medley of photos to catch you up to what I’ve been doing…

It has been a long time since I last posted photographs on this thing. This doesn’t mean I haven’t been shooting. As proof, here are a few images that I’ve been working on (please excuse dust spots):

The welders at this particular job site had some tasks and personalities that really interested me:

This next set is part of a project that I am working on with a focus on common objects in a space that is void of human presence:

This one is part of an ongoing project titled “A Collection of Short Stories.”
The images are intended to present individual stories in which a main character is going through a struggle of some sort.
The rest of the images from this body of work is on my website (www.kellyneilson.net):

This is a portrait of the lovely Taylor Craig:

And last but not least, a portrait of Shane Riley:

Thanks for checking them out!